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اقتباسات شغف | shaghaf

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تابع قوانین جمهوری اسلامی ایران🇮🇷هیچگونه تبلیغ غیراخلاقی ، پیشبینی و شرط بندی داخل این کانال درج نمیشه🌹❌No copyright infringement intended❌If you own the copyrights of any stuff intimate us with proof we will remove it.کانال زاپاس👇@sinama3film

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فیلمای جذاب قدیمی

تابع قوانین جمهوری اسلامی ایران🇮🇷هیچگونه تبلیغ غیراخلاقی ، پیشبینی و شرط بندی داخل این کانال درج نمیشه🌹❌No copyright infringement intended❌If you own the copyrights of any stuff intimate us with proof we will remove it.کانال زاپاس👇@film_ghadimi4

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“I am not afraid that the cycle will turn on me. I am completely ready for all the things that I have given to others to come back to me.”@yi69i#𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐑𝐀#𝐊𝐈𝐀𝐍

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hello durovThis channel does not make immoral postsNo copyright infringementWorksIf you are the copyright owner, please let us know with a non-disclosure certificate and we will remove it. This channel was created only to review and familiarize with,

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