ـ ايات القرآن واذكار.📿
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You have the best ideas. other people's opinions are usually more distractive than informative. follow your own vision. base your actions on love. do things you love and if you don't absolutely love something doing it as soon as you can…🕯️
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✨ Oh, you have no identity in your designs!I think you are in the right place🧑💻 Use Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator & Xd⤵️ Shere Channel for best friends@Kaa_J
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If you@FFNUFwalk with me despicable you are more despicable@N_T_7thanme and if you@rrnrywalk with me@c_2_8you are better than what
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Official telegram channel of Corpus Christi Senior High school🤍❤️NB:We are a private institution.📍 Sakumono estate, community 20Full of :▫️ Interviews▫️ Announcements▫️Memes▫️ Everything about Corpus Christi and, entertaining contents 🤩
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- Holy Quran .
Don't forget that God is greater than anything 🤍 . The channel reward for you and me 🤲🏻 .- Site -@SiteMustafa_bot
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Deeper than thought. Deeper than anything.It is more than you think it is.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ@Jodhdeepseas, unwanted throne.@deathlysallows, escaped soldier.@lovelygaunt, pathetic poet.@weasleyisourkings, forgotten king.@tenebrisclovis
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Strong'female .
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤYour patience with your traumatic loss, deep wounds, and broken heart is the only thing that proves you are stronger than you think .
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• 𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑠• Pain is a sign from God that you are making progress .الالم هو اشارة من آلله على أنك تحرز تقدماً 🖤،مدير القناة@mse_2، 🤍قناتي 2@w200w- قبل ان تغادر قل الحمدللـهۂ 🤍ֆ. ء
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When you focus your attention more on your dreams and goals and less on the opinions of others, you are capable of achieving success. No one knows the desires of your heart better than you.— Gwilldatasup.com
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القرآن الكريم 📿📚
- اجر لي ولوالدي ولكم ولـ جميع المسلمين🕊🤍•- القناه شفيعه لي ولك باذن الله 🕜 ☇ .¹ ‹ - قرأن .² ‹ - أحاديث .³ ‹ - قصص الأنبياء .💡‹ - شاركنا بنشر القناة رابط القناة 👇🏻.https://t.me/FFl12
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♾️ .
I think the scariest thing in this world is that you never know what people's true intentions are towards you.
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Timothée Chalamet
Your patience with your traumatic loss, deep wounds, and broken heart is the only thing that proves you are stronger than you think@xRaHaM
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Christian tiktok
We all know tiktok is used for many purpose so i think why don't we use it to talk about God so if you are christan or wana be chrstian just join our channel and we gonne guide about living christ life and we go➥comment@oirtiktok_bot┗━━━━💞━━━━━┛
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There is nothing worse than carrying worries that are not appropriate for your age at a time when you are supposed to be living the best days, but I am living the most difficult days https://instagram.com/vvcfo
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A deep feeling of sympathy continues to haunt me with his self-made attitude of achievement, My jokes and jokes are very classy to entertain him who will continue to think hard in finding peace within you.
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❌warning❌The memes,photos,GIF and videos are too funny so think once and join the channel... you'll perform the following events=>😥😞😟😕😮😐😛😜😀😁😂😵<=RIP before you join the channel......enjoy👍To become an admin contact@mogtebarek
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