Vanilla puppy for adoption and free ❤️❤️

My babies are all good and loved with care , am a good breeder sit I love babies so much and I have this wonderful creatures ♥

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I don't care what happens because she is now in my arms and I am in hersI can pretend that I am fine and everything is good when it is much worse FoR Me@Y7YRY.

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اقـرأ لي... 🖤

I want a heart that looks like mine, and it has taken care of me so much

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Greetings from Califournia.

I'd rather be hated for who i'm than loved for who i'm not. i don't care what people think of me, this is me in the rawest form. no one is the best here, so go fuck off dead shit and just do not ever comeback.

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Parrots for adoption and rehoming

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fervour letter–warmth hymn: ♪.. The anthem embodies out-and-out, phrase by phrase has a fathomless moreover exquisite elucidatio

࣪ ˖ 🖋 𓄹 ɞ ࣪ She is very talented, good at everything, lovely & ──i, her face is so beautiful and pretty, everyone always looks at her because of her charm.

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Dark side and mature of man, he shows his attractive side and focus on his work. Best suit and best workhard is himself.

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Good Music and I GoldenPrince GoldenSkillz ❤️❤️

I Rep Only sweet Good Music 🎶and I hate quack Songs, if you most Future me on your song then that song most be Lit❤

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This and that?

Please stop. Hopefully maybe somebody will reach out and get a little bit of that so I can take care of this

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