Civil engineering subjects
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જ્ઞાન એકેડમી - ગાંધીનગર મો. નં. 8758277555We provide videos regarding different subjects free of cost in you tube channel - Gyan Academy Gandhinagar
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Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Civil Services(MGICS)
An Innovative Institute For IAS/IPS/MPPSC/ACF/Ranger/MPSI/SSC & Other Competitive Exam With Test Series.One to One Guidance By Toppers & MPPSC Expert.#QIP #Answer_Writing #MainsPlus #Special_Mains_Classes #Special_Test_Series_For_Mains
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ألبرت أبن البصرة 📙.
~ أهلاً بكم في شبكة ألبرت التعليمية 📚.~ Student in petroleum engineering 👷🏻♂️🛢️• نقدم لكم جميع الاخبار الدراسية ، والملازم 📖• التواصل أي سؤال :@sadi_0bot📮
Subscribers: 24,459
CMICS (Chetan Meena Institute For Civil Services)
यह चैनल सभी प्रतियोगी परीक्षा की तैयारी करने वाले छात्रों के लिए बनाया गया है,आप खुद इस चैनल से जुड़े और अपने मित्रों को भी जोड़े आप हमारेFacebook :- :- :-
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Dr Amit Gupta
This Channel has been created to provide genuine online guidance to NEET aspirantsUse code *AGSIR* for complete access to All Courses of All Teachers of All Subjects and maximum discount in Plus Subscription costAnd *All Privilege Circle Benefits*
Subscribers: 11,183
This is the OFFICIAL telegram handle of O2 IAS Academy. Our goal is to provide a cutting edge to aspirants preparing for civil services. Here we provide all the relevent content which will help aspirants in their dream to become a civil servent.
Subscribers: 10,414
Civil construction jobs
This channel provides job information about job seekers in civil construction industry.You may add people also by using or sharingthis link link-@civil_engineering1111
Subscribers: 10,300
Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
Everything Related to Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.AMM's, TSM's and other Aircraft related Documents and Books.
Subscribers: 7,423
Water&Wastewater Treatment
Learning Videos and Ebooks of Water and Wastewater Engineering
Subscribers: 7,358
Operating System
You will find all things related to operating system subject for engineering students
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Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers
Channel for Ethiopian Association of Civil Engineers members to updated current construction issues, information and opportunities
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Arch & Civil👷♂️
كل ما يخص الهندسة المعمارية و الهندسة المدنية ✅🔹️#كتب_برامج_مدونات_بلوكات_تصاميم_كورسات_ابحاث_معلومات_هندسية🔹️All about architecture and civil engineering✅🔹️ #Books_Software_Blogs_Blocks_Designs_Courses_Research_Engineering_Information🔹️
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Civil engineering
قناة هندسية تحتوي على كل ما يحتاجه المهندس من ملفات وبرامج وملاحظات وكورساتللتواصل@hnflqقروب تابع للقناة
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قناة هندسة البناء
قناة كويتية مخصصة لنشر ثقافة البناء و تصحيح المفاهيم الخاطئة يديرها مجموعة من المهندسين الكويتيين بمختلف التخصصات.م. ناصر المطيري - مدني / إنشائي.م. أحمد حسين - صحي و حريق.م. داود الخياط - تكييف و تهوية Engineering, Kuwait
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کارآفرینی وکسب وکارهوشمندتهران
کانال رسمی دکترمسعودسیرتی○Post doct DBA of Shahid Beheshti UniverCity &professor AI,BI○Ph.D in Business Intelligence(BI)○Master of Science In Urban Management of Tehran Univercity○Bachelor of Science In Softwere Computer Engineering○Expert Smartcity
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Engineering Students | دانشجویان مهندسی
کانال دانشجویان فنی و مهندسیمرجع انتشار جزوات و منابع مورد نیاز دانشجویان فنی و مهندسی و پایگاه اطلاع رسانیکانال ویژه آموزش نرم افزار:@Mech_tutorialگروه:@YMESide
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Master Vaibhav Hire
Hello Everyone,My Name Is Vaibhav & You Also Know Me As Master Vaibhav Hire😍 From Last 1 Year I Am Doing A Professional Teaching Work On YouTube🤩In This Group I Provides You Class 8th To Class 12th All Subjects Material🏆🏆So Thanks For The Join♨️
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