
Don't waste your time on people who don't have time for you. Find someone who thinks their time is wasted if they are not with you.

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Find someone who believes in you when u don't .للتـواصل •| 📥https://tellonym.me/shk31

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Lots of people wait around "for the right time". People don't know that there is no such thing as a right time. Time is never right nor wrong. The positive factor of time is that you can seize it.

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We are in Discord: https://discord.gg/wA9fVjfqE6We're a creative community of people who tells, shows and enjoys art. We're in love to interesting people and their projects so DM us if you want to share your works or suggest cooperation

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Learn How To Trade Forex


We will teach you how to trade the Forex market and help you make some money for your self. Disclaimer, Over 85% of the people who trade the Forex market loose their money. Make sure to undergo proper Study before you trade

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Death To The New World Order


Intel from leaders in the truth movement so you know what to expect in this dark time. Evil works by way of deception, join this channel for truth from someone who understands the wiles of the devil...

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Nothing Impossible You Follow Daily Update Huge Earn! are you Ready? We can do it. Don't Waste your time free time you spent my channel and huge earning possibol I wish.😎

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𖤝 ׅ Thousands of charms and beauty


ㅤ #shcll 𖢲. For anyone who sees or joins here, I hope you can distinguish between what is real and what is just fiction. Don't ever imitate or copy what is in this biography!! and this biography is linked to protection and security @.telegram.

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This page is created for people who love to watch English movies online. You can find lots of full movies in original here.Hello everyone

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Amazon loot offers😉🤟


Find your dream deal🔑On Amazon load offers😉🤟Don't waste your time🔒Time is money💰

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𖤝. Beauty Ophelia's !


<✿> once again us say in the direction of whole quantity from you who visit, welcome in the direction of the channel, the channel only belongs in the direction of@mzaybenor yet in the direction of anyone else, you container, usually metallic find not

Subscribers: 51



dont you dare to expect people to tell the truth because they are also lie to themselves tellonym.me/sdear. wherever you go you will always find people lying to you, and you will notice that you are also lie yourself.

Subscribers: 47



I apologize because I don't know how to love you in a simple way, maybe I'm the one who grieves you the most and at the same time hates your sadness so much, I apologize because I look to you the opposite of what I hide, I'm sorry because I'm bad in love

Subscribers: 36

𓏺 َِ𝗧َِ𝗼َِ𝗿َِ𝗘َِ𝗺َِ𝗲َِ𝗡َِ𝘁🖤.


"لا تغير نفسك بسبب شخص كن انت مهما حدث!"Don't change yourself because of someone, be who you are no matter what!🖤

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This is a network of University of Ghana students and Alumni. The Key to success as they say is who you know and what you know. so get to know someone, ask questions, and ask for help.

Subscribers: 16



- I don't care about being a perfect person, it's enough for me to be someone who doesn't hypocrite, doesn't betray, doesn't compliment, and doesn't know people when they need.@ccccnz–

Subscribers: 15



Appreciate the people who care about you, they put aside their conflicts and problems and think about you.Owner :@XPTXOChannel :@stopefacientBOT :@XDPXD_bot

Subscribers: 14



don't love someone too much, eventually they will leave you, believe me.

Subscribers: 13

the phantom thief


appreciate the people who doesn't believe and support you from the start, but let them admire the things you've done when you succeed. don't let it end ♡connect to@kyoyaotoribot

Subscribers: 12

Jisaka S W.


someone who is able to make you smile all the time, someone who you can trust and talk to about any thing. He should be the one who walks you home just incase, and buy you ice cream.

Subscribers: 11



Those were just random words that came out of the tea girl's mind. If you've stopped by thank you and don't forget to buy me some tea (just kidding). You are good people who spend their time looking at my stall, I really feel respect ♡

Subscribers: 4