The World News
This a channel where all happenings in the world can be found. We bring you latest news on all aspects of life.
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FIFA WC Futsal 2024 | Uzbekistan volunteers
Welcome to the FIFA Futsal World Cup Volunteer Telegram channel!🌍⚽️ Stay informed about all the latest news, updates, and opportunities for volunteers at the FIFA Futsal World Cup.Regarding any questions, please contact@FIFAvolunteerUZBEKISTAN
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⟭⟬ Your Local BTS news⁷⟭⟬
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تحديثات - 𓏺𝗌𝗈𝗎𝗋𝖼𝖾 𝖺𝗌𝗁
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TSB.App Store
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تحديثات سورس الموسوي .
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World is changing by Gaza
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𝕾𝕸𝓣𝓥. SM TV is ready to share with you the latest updates, News entertainment, and Realities All across the World.
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This is the group of all india football fansWe give you the latest news in footballAnd the match link, etc
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