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Live your life proud of yourself strong for you, life isn t as you always want #~@VJ33E_
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Live an adventure, live your life as you want, and do what you want. Achieve success for you and your future. If you fail once, does not mean that you will fail again What weakens you today Strengthens you@ixFRe87BOTسِtomorrow . !
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#겨울@KimwintefbotNo one can control your life except yourself, be what you want not what others want. because of your life, you who live. the others are only temporary actors in your life.@Dangerusi@Beautymoofn@Reminser
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To remain who you are, be greatful for what you have now, and pray for a better life. Remember that you live in the same world as other people. Care about something and love others, then all of that will turn to yourself.
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