A Channel where trade ideas will be shared based on price action patterns. Charts given in this channel are for education purpose only....
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YSR | Simple trades 🇮🇳 Nifty Banknifty call put stock trades
I will share trade ideas based on my experience.. I am not a sebi registered advisor, you are responsible for your trades (profit & loss)This group is only for educational purpose.You Tube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClG7ZV-PFa7eA3Cjl8swybg
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Trading Tips ™️
All the performance shared at our channel or only for the educational purpose will be not be liable for any direct indirect laws before entering into any trade. Please consult to your financial advisor.
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*Views Shared are Only for Education Purpose*Our channel are not responsible for any profite and loss..
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