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🤣Funny Videos & GIFs.No Matter what language you speak. This channel will make You Laugh.➡️ Contact =@cloudflare➡️If you have Some Gifs or Videos then to Share to Group:-@Memes_comedyAds:- https://telega.io/c/Funny

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اقتباسات شغف | shaghaf


"الأمور التي تحبها، ستتركها يوما ما من شدة التعب.""The things you love, you will leave them one day out of exhaustion."🔸 -@rricc🔹 -@OHTbot

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Amazing PHP


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⤾رقُــ𓂆ـهّ || فُتٌــ𓂆ـآةّ🦋↻"".؍؍⤹


لـــ فـــتاة رقـيـقه تبــلغ مِــن الــعُـمـر 19عـــام🦋≯_تـࢪڪت لڪم عالـمڪم وصـنعت لـي عالمـ يـليق بــرقـتي يـحتويني ويـحتويڪم🦋✨♡゙ُ ._انـرتـم عالـمي الطـيف يـ رفـاق🦋≯_عالـم لـطيف،ورقـيق ڪا رقه قـلوبڪم🦋.↻للـتواصل + الـتـباادل ".: (@M_allk113BOT)

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-أمــان🤎🦋⊁ .


- أُحب ڪُل الڪلماتِ اللطيفةأنجو به🦋✨› .-و تبقى في قلبي لسنواتٍ لا أنساهاو لا أنسىٰ قائِلهَا🦋✨› .

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YG Entertainment


24 December 17●Join our Group chat for request.👉@YGEALLAll YG Talent videos is here ❤ Feel free to search and contact admin if you cant find them 🙈

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-You will find everything here-Arabic Poems-English Poems.-Tumblr-Songs’-Do it for yourself not for them@Abdullahsuhailbot

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صور بنات كانها لكي✨


᷂ربما ᷂الأسباب ᷂هُيِّأت ᷂وَ ᷂الجَبر ᷂قَريب 🦋✨.ᰔ.𝙼𝚈 𝙲𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙽𝙴𝙻 ،⏱️💕💕.ᰔ•. 𝙵𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙴𝚁 🌾🦋.

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He lived life as hell from the beginning to the end, a life that did not suit him, O Lord: Whoever has tasted nothing but torment here on the Day of Judgment, what will you hold him accountable for?

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Here You will get All the Links of Our Team

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اللهـم يـ مقلـب الـقلوب ثبـت قلبـۍ علـۍ دينـڪ 🤎🤎🤎🕋⤿ 𝑪𝒉 𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒆𝒓 : <@G_I_H2> ✨.

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I don't want a replacement for you, I will love you, present or absent@SZ_VO-

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Social Cringe & Based Posting


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عہبہوٌديہ || ✨🇮🇶


<ساكتب مايعجبني وستقرا مايعجبك >❤️I will write what I like and you will read what you like.¶¶¶¶¶¶@a¶ꌚ𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒ِ 💕

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