DDU SU services
This channel is created for dire dawa University students to get services like supermarket,stationary,copy services.
Subscribers: 98
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JUMJ DA'AWA CENTER بلغو عني ولو آية
this channel is created to convey islamic messages from Qur'an & Hadith by jimma university students muslim jem'a(If you have any question, suggestioncontact us with@JUMJQuestionsBot
Subscribers: 363
This channel is created for enhancing the students awareness on the required employability /transferable life skills.
Subscribers: 280
Haramaya university
This channel is created for proper information for students from Haramaya University
Subscribers: 267
JUMJ (Bilal structure)
This channel is created for all muslim students in Jimma university BECO campusYou can get tutorial program informations , Qirat schedules, Daewa programs, different news about Jumj jemea, different useful texts, daewas ……so just join us★
Subscribers: 181
For all midwife students/pregnant motherContact us 0943391715/00930741By this channal give Some services like- Counselling in telephone pregnant mothers- home care- research
Subscribers: 116
This channel create to help the students who prepared for getting admission in University 😊
Subscribers: 81
This is a network of University of Ghana students and Alumni. The Key to success as they say is who you know and what you know. so get to know someone, ask questions, and ask for help.
Subscribers: 16
this is my private rights channel! can't copy what's on this channel, this channel contains my interests or my confusion, if you don't like my channel, please leave my channel, don't forget to get me out of your channel!
Subscribers: 3
Win Win
This channel is created to help Ethiopian students to get relevant information on grade 12 and freshman courses
Subscribers: 1
ꢾ୧ 🏩🐇 ₊ ˚ 𝓠olly 's likes candy and rabbits +♡..
👦🏻🎂 .··. like melody from sanrio! don't get any inspiration from this channel, thank you. the cute one who created this channel is@bmobok. 🎀 `⌫
Subscribers: 1
C.B.S.E 1 to 10th 👩🏫 (Shruti)
This channel was created for the benefit of students so that they can get all the notes easily.
Subscribers: 1