Covid-19 Plandemic

This is the channel of a group of public health, science, and media experts who will clarify the truth about Covid-19 and the associated measures and therapies.

Subscribers: 5,464

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Unique characters with attributes and gem slots. Health, attack, defense, speed, strength, and luck levels make each NFT distinctive. And all of these will come in handy in the upcoming Play2Earn game in the 0XZQ ecosystem!@NFT_0XZQ

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COVID-19 Vaccination - HPA

Latest updates on COVID-19 by Health Protection Agency

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COVID-19 Info

A list of official channels with information on the Novel Coronavirus.

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A channel specialized in the world of tradingWhat distinguishes us:- A specialized team of experts in the field of trading works dedicatedly to analyze the markets and provide the best advice.Contact@VeCo0@VeCo0

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CGCUP is a challenge-driven educational platform. Here you’ll learn how CG gurus create their art step by step, from idea to finished work. Immerse yourself in the styles of industry experts, get their tips and tricks and participate in art challenges.

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Oxford forex, indices and binary🌺

Join our team of experts and get high returns through our reliable and proven trading signals. We use the best graph analysis tools to achieve optimal results. We value trust and long-term partnerships. Make contact@S7ues

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MAECC for Ivermectin Malaysia IVM

The official channel of Malaysian Alliance For Effective Covid Control ( MAECC ), an alliance of medical and health organizations who are united to fight for the approval of Ivermectin by our authorities to save Malaysians and our economy.

Subscribers: 2,104

Ethiopian Dental Professionals' Association (EDPA)

Aspire to see the provision of equitable, quality, accessible and up-to-date dental health care in Ethiopia which improves the oral health of the Ethiopian people to the utmost level.To become a member click this link

Subscribers: 2,025

Jesus is the way. Njlarsen

Accept and believe in Jesus. What’s going on in the world updates usu by pastors in accordance to the Bible. Devotionals, health, Biblical truth, and sermons. Focus on Jesus and the word of God. Tetelestai!

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True Videos @TVids

We fight for freedom of press and freedom of speech. No one shall be silenced!We post a mixture of videos!Make sure you always conduct research before deciding the truth!

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We The People UK

We The People UK is a group who are dedicated to truth and exposing the corruption in the world. We are everyday normal people who love and support freedom of choice. #WTPUK

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قسم اللغة الإنجليزية

A public channel that includes all students and the teaching staff in College of Education ـ Department of English University of Al Maarifقناة عامة تضم جميع الطلبة و أعضاء هيئة التدريس في جامعة المعارف / كلية التربية ـ قسم اللغة الإنجليزية

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Ethiopian public health association

for detail and hearted communication between public health officers through out the country

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Truth Fracking Patriot Archives

Exposing Lies And Spreading Truth and Possibilities of Truths Outside Of The Matrix. Military is in control, and Trump is our current war time president = Truth Jesus is the Savior Of All = Eternal Truth.

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Fathers for Freedom

Fathers, families and leaders fighting against to protect parent's Bill of Rights and our freedoms.Peeling back the curtain on Covid-19 and unapologetically defending the US Constitution 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Subscribers: 220

Truth In Fiction

The channel you visit every Saturday for beautifully-crafted, inspiring and intriguing stories.😍Truth is served here on the plate of fiction.Truth you need to be reminded of.🥳___Want to go beyond just reading #Truthinfiction? Visit my blog.

Subscribers: 208

Jack Frost’s Channel ❄️

This channel stands as a backup for the event of the “JackieFr0st” Snapchat account getting deleted.We are not associated with the “QC AND MORE” Channel. This is not that channel anymore.@jackyfr0st

Subscribers: 204


The Channel Describes views of the world, Scientifically and Biblically. promoting issues👉 Political and Social issues .👉 Most Famously Movie.👉 Technological News.👉 Business & Economics.👉 Inconceivable Truth. To subscribe:

Subscribers: 150

Omega Redeemed Divine Power Ministry

OUR MANDATETo heal the oppressed, deliver the captives and restore them to their destiny through the word of truth.

Subscribers: 139

Molo Health

Healing is achieved when we align mind, body, emotions and spirit in perfect synchronicity. Holistic health is the only form of healing.🤸🏿‍♂️🌿💯🥒

Subscribers: 118