B&D — Fuck music with style, turn to face facts in the era of developing rock stars. charming and full of history


the charm of a rockstar that peakedagain in the next standings. receiveloud cheers from the audience therocker stood proudly on the stagetelegram.dog/oHottiest

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— SEPT, 1997


the charm of a rockstar that peakedagain in the next standings. receiveloud cheers from the audience therocker stood proudly on the stagetelegram.dog/euswoo

Subscribers: 1

B&D — Fuck music with style, turn to face facts in the era of developing rock stars. charming and full of history


the charm of a rockstar that peaked again in the next standings. received loud cheers from the audience while the rocker stood proudly on the stage.telegram.dog/hJamesArthur

Subscribers: 1

ㅤㅤGuitar as well as a well-trained melodiousvoice;Timothee C.


t.me/taqyo the charm of a rockstar that peaked again in the next standings. received loud cheers from the audience while the rocker stood proudly on the stage.

Subscribers: 1