playing for solitude.

🏴 VOL. XMI RANT ROGUE 〈 1999 〉The yearning to express all thatdwells within the soul, intertwinewith the agony experienced alongside continuous clashes / .

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🏴 VOL. XMI RANT ROGUE 〈 1999 〉The yearning to express all thatdwells within the soul, intertwinewith the agony experienced alongside continuous clashes /

Subscribers: 1,390

&& i don't know where but the cute boy is wearing a cute shirt: blue .. and a smile comes to say hello

🏴 VOL. XMI RANT ROGUE 〈 1999 〉The yearning to express all thatdwells within the soul, intertwinewith the agony experienced alongside continuous clashes /@zcNattawin

Subscribers: 8

VOL. XMI — The potency inherent in the soul of an anarchist manifests in its ongoing demand for change over time 〔 ft. chaos 〕

🏴 VOL. XMI RANT ROGUE 〈 1999 〉The yearning to express all thatdwells within the soul, intertwinewith the agony experienced alongside continuous clashes /@Yeoseng

Subscribers: 2

𖤍 SPEEDSTER //88±± :: Kalix

🏴 VOL. XMI RANT ROGUE 〈 1999 〉The yearning to express all thatdwells within the soul, intertwinewith the agony experienced alongside continuous clashes /@penzis

Subscribers: 2


🏴 VOL. XMI RANT ROGUE 〈 1999 〉The yearning to express all thatdwells within the soul, intertwinewith the agony experienced alongside continuous clashes /@vockillz

Subscribers: 2